Sweet Usagi No Okusuriyasan – Touhou Project

“Reese what the fuck! You can’t just…”

Joe gets up and takes Andy by the arm

“Relax man, she didn’t mean to sneak up to us, we just didn’t hear her”

Andy blinks at the authoritive tone in Joe’s voice

“Uhm Ok, sorry Maryse I didn’t mean to shout”

Maryse nods

“’s OK little brother”

She grins at them before bounding up the stairs, Andy grumbles and hits the pause button

“I guess I will have to go feed you”

“Oh you’ve been feeding me, but a growing boy needs his real food as well”

Andy pulls a face at Joe and together they walk up the stairs, the table is set and Joe takes his usual place and much to his surprise Maryse breaks the routine by sitting down next to him. His gasp breaks the kiss and he looks at Maryse who has a lustful look in her eyes and seems to be measuring his cock, she looks up and grins at him

“Well Joe it seems that you have quite a tool hidden in there”

Joe can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks again, Maryse leans closer

“If you want my silence you will have to fuck me Joe”

Her blue eyes make it clear that there is no other way to get out of this

“And why would anybody believe you and not me?”

Her grin tells it all

“Who is going to resist my little puppy eye face?”

“I guess I was the only one so far”

She nods and strokes her hand slowly up and down his shaft

“You want to tell me that you don’t want to have sex with me Joe?”

Her touch sends shivers down Joe’s spine

“OK, OK Maryse I’ll do it”

She grins a cat-ate-the-canary grin and slips her hand out of his boxers

“Go tell Andy that you need to help me with my PC or something, which should give us enough time”

She grins even wider

“And you can go to the toilet afterwards, you don’t seem in much of a condition to continue anyway”

Joe shakes his head

“You are so evil Maryse”

She chuckles softly and slip out of the bathroom, Joe looks in the mirror

“What the hell did you just get yourself into?”

Joe pulls up his jeans, readjusting himself that his erection isn’t that visible and walk back down to the den.

Hentai: (C82) [Ryokucha Combo (Chameleon)] Usagi no Okusuriyasan (Touhou Project)

Usagi no Okusuriyasan 1Usagi no Okusuriyasan 2Usagi no Okusuriyasan 3Usagi no Okusuriyasan 4Usagi no Okusuriyasan 5Usagi no Okusuriyasan 6Usagi no Okusuriyasan 7Usagi no Okusuriyasan 8Usagi no Okusuriyasan 9Usagi no Okusuriyasan 10Usagi no Okusuriyasan 11Usagi no Okusuriyasan 12Usagi no Okusuriyasan 13Usagi no Okusuriyasan 14Usagi no Okusuriyasan 15Usagi no Okusuriyasan 16Usagi no Okusuriyasan 17Usagi no Okusuriyasan 18Usagi no Okusuriyasan 19Usagi no Okusuriyasan 20Usagi no Okusuriyasan 21Usagi no Okusuriyasan 22Usagi no Okusuriyasan 23Usagi no Okusuriyasan 24Usagi no Okusuriyasan 25Usagi no Okusuriyasan 26Usagi no Okusuriyasan 27Usagi no Okusuriyasan 28

(C82) [緑茶コンボ (かめれおん)]うさぎのおクスリ屋さん(東方Project)

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